Anyone out there? Type-in incoming!

This is awkward, but I’m not dead! Sure I was dormant for going on five years and to be quite honest, I’m not sure that anyone will even see this post. However, as a typewriter enthusiast, it’s my responsibility to inform you all, dear readers, that there is yet another type-in rounding the corner here in the Valley of the Sun.

Well, type-in in conjunction with a Authors Fair at the Downtown Chandler Public Library here in Arizona on Saturday, April 6th, 2024 from 1:30-4:30. Not only will there be typewriters there, but local authors as well who will be speaking and holding workshops of the sort.

As always, if you have a machine or two that you’d like to share with the community, please bring them! I will be bringing a few of my favorites and I know a couple of other enthusiasts who are bound to make an appearance.

Okay, see you all in another five years!