Smith-Corona Silent-Super

This is my third machine I received a couple years ago. It is one of my favorites.


This coffee colored contraption was manufactured around the mid-1950s. It is also one of the stars of this vintage 1956 christmas ad:

Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 12.42.58 PM

(You can especially tell how old this ad is by inspecting the boy’s clothing). I luckily got ahold of the tan typewriter, because if you ask me, the other colors look plain tacky. Any ways, this particular model is named the “Silent-Super”, though it is anything but.


Of course for the time it must have been revolutionary.

20180603_122459Up above if you look closely at the first picture, you’ll notice it is the typewriter featured as the header picture in this blog. Other than that, be sure to remember the type-in on June 9th to meet it personally.

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